Mind Control: The Most Difficult Task

It is an old saying "If one have the grace of god, the grace of holy men, the grace of his parents, but if he  doesn't have the grace of his own mind , he will never reach his true potential".

In this context, we will talk about the controlling the mind, advantages and profits of controlled mind.

Since controlling the mind is the hardest task which requires a strong  sportsmanship attitude for not to fell out of will and determination after failing a thousand times.

The following is a part of conversation between Lord Krishna and great warrior Arjuna.

Arjuna: "O Krishna, the state of mind about which you are explaining ,I honestly do not think is actually achievable due to restlessness of mind.The mind, O Krishna , is turbulent, it tricks and controls our senses the way its like and due to this it the most powerful thing to get control over. To control it seems to me as hard as controlling the wind".

After listening Arjuna's word attentively Lord Krishna replied.

Sri Krishna: "O Dhananjaya Arjuna, whatever you are saying is absolutely correct. Undoubtedly the mind is the most powerful sense that has control over senses and if not get controlled it will lead our senses and our body any way it likes. But by constant practice(abhyasa) and dispassion (vairagya) it can be controlled".

On concluding from above conversation:

Controlling the mind has always been a difficult task.
But it is possible to control the mind.
Mind must be controlled using specific technique.
There is no other ways to control the mind other than abhayasa-yoga (yoga of practice).

As Sri RamKrishna says nothing is impossible. The bondage is actually of our mind which let us not believe in ourself and our true strength and potential.

Since from Vedic culture till now peoples of inspiring personality and successful life follows directly or indirectly follow Lord Krishna's teaching and after getting inspired from that they wrote their own books along with the teachings of Lord Krishna alongwith their experiences.


  1. Yes I agree with the first line because I experienced it that if you do not have control on your mind then you can spoil your life if you trapped in wrong union unless you have full support of parents and teachers


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